Soy Scented Candles are More Earth Friendly Than a Traditional Scented Candle

There are many great scents available in soy that is also available in traditional candles as well. All sizes are available for your convenience. When you decide to purchase soy scented candles, you will never have to worry about hazardous chemicals in the candle because there are no dyes, the oil used to scent the soy is an essential oil and the soy can be eaten, so it will not hurt you. You will not have to worry as much if your small child gets hold of an unlit candle because there is nothing that can harm them. It is not advised to allow a child to eat a soy candle, but kids will be kids and it is always a possibility.

Soy candles burn cleaner than a traditional wax candle as well. They do not let off that black smoke that a traditional wax candle often does. They also burn cleaner in the sense that they will burn evenly instead of burning in whatever direction the flame is leaning. Because soy is an American grown product, you are also promoting American farmers by choosing soy over wax. On top of this, a point that many companies will not tell you, unless several scents are included in a candle, soy scented candles are much more cost effective in quality than a paraffin wax candle.
Labels: Rez Candles, Wax Candle